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Semily 1953

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С 1953

The Bakery founder while quite young was encouraged by his mother and their family situation.


It is a stubborn and resilient dough with a deep acidic taste that lingers on the palate , brought in from the old bakery in Semily in 1953 and living ever since the same way it always used to.

Вкус и аромат

Semily 1953 jar shot
Semily 1953 front shot
Semily 1953 rising shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 33% Sourdough
  • 66% Rye flour
  • 45% Water
  • 29% Rye flour
  • 25% Water

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 25% Water
  • 25% Rye flour
The dough is mixed with water and dough
25% Water 25% Rye flour

Метод работы

Stabilization - fluor is added mixed with the dough and it is left to form Streusel over 1 day period
33% Sourdough 66% Rye flour
Catalysation - Cold water is added, the dough is mixed and left to ripen for 17 hours.
45% Water
Final fermentation - The dough is fed by water and four mixed and left to ripen for another 6 hours.
29% Rye flour 25% Water

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