
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Semily 1953

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seit 1953

The Bakery founder while quite young was encouraged by his mother and their family situation.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

It is a stubborn and resilient dough with a deep acidic taste that lingers on the palate , brought in from the old bakery in Semily in 1953 and living ever since the same way it always used to.

Geschmack und Aroma

Semily 1953 jar shot
Semily 1953 front shot
Semily 1953 rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 33% Sourdough
  • 66% Rye flour
  • 45% Water
  • 29% Rye flour
  • 25% Water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

  • 25% Water
  • 25% Rye flour
The dough is mixed with water and dough
25% Water 25% Rye flour


Stabilization - fluor is added mixed with the dough and it is left to form Streusel over 1 day period
33% Sourdough 66% Rye flour
Catalysation - Cold water is added, the dough is mixed and left to ripen for 17 hours.
45% Water
Final fermentation - The dough is fed by water and four mixed and left to ripen for another 6 hours.
29% Rye flour 25% Water

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