Gingy recipe


Gloucester, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2017

My uncle knows I bake and since he retired he does the housework and cooking at his house. He had questions about sourdough. I knew nothing about it. He isn't online savvy so I looked into it and got myself hooked! Starter is named after my uncle- same name my baby sister called him before she could say Gary.


Likes to be moved outside in warm summer temps to get restarted from the fridge!

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Add 50g water stir then add 50g flour and stir then put in clean container to see how it grows! Then 12 hrs later discard to 50g and start again!

Metodo di lavorazione


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