Lilith recipe


Onieda, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2019

Was perusing better breads, and searching for a classic crumpet recipe. The idea of a heritage starter was also quite pleasing


Fruity, Dairy notes, and a pronounce but not over powering sour. Surprisingly able to be active in lower temps, and able to still be strong after nearly a week without feeding

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Maintenance 1-1-1 feeding: -Add desired amount, in grams, of starter to clean jar -Add equal amount, in grams, of spring water -Stir -Add 50% of total amount, in grams, Medium Rye flour and 50% of total amount, in grams, Whole Wheat Flour -Stir, place lid loosely on jar Preparing for bake, 1-3-3 feed with the same instructions as above. Adding 3 times Flour and Water.

Metodo di lavorazione


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