Since 2019
As a baker I was always excited to try out different breads to explore various flavours. I found sourdough very challenging and the process from mixing flour water and salt to converting it into flavourful bread always gave me special feeling. Slowly I started learning science behind it and that got me even more involved in the process.
I found out that, when it is at its peak and all bubbles it smells fresh and little sweet. It's been 2 + years and I guess it is matured because when I feed it in equal proportions it peaks in 3hr. I have seen that happening very slowly as, before it was use to take longer that 3hr to peak.
Taste & flavour
Starting ingredients
- 100% Flour
- 100% Water
- 5% Starter
Feeding ingredients
My sourdough starter contains 2 ingredients flour and water. When feeding, I mix water and starter then by adding flour and mixing simultaneously I convert it into lumpless paste. I prefer tall glass jar to store my starter. Usually when I am baking I put it on the counter at room temperature around 27°c to 32°c otherwise I rest it in refrigerator at 4°c only for week.
Working method
Firstly, i am using locally available flour which is around 11% to 12% gluten containt. Everytime I autolyse it for 3hr which allows gliadin and glutenin to combine and form nice gluten. Which is crucial to trap CO2 while fermenting. Secondly, I prefer using tap water which is stored at room temperature atleast 24hr before. Thirdly, for inoculation I use my starter when it is at its peak.
100% Flour
100% Water
5% Starter
Sourdough croissant
I tried making SD croissant simply converting regular recipe . I was not expecting any good results as I did not have
Sourdough Focaccia
It is simple fresh herbs, cherry tomatoes and olive oil sourdough focaccia. It turned out great.
Sourdough Sandwich Bread
I came across this recipe on internet and gave it a try.
It tastes sweet, tangy and buttery