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С 2018

Good food has always been very important in life and finally there has been an opportunity to get to know the bread as well. The journey has begun and will continue.


She has character and survived harsh conditions along the way. Allways makes great breads to keep family happy. Stays happy in the fridge but when gets some warmth and food is ready for action.

Вкус и аромат

Meiju jar shot
Meiju front shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 50g Wheat
  • 60g Water
  • 10g Rye

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 120g What or rye
  • 40g Sourdough
  • 120g Water
  • 10g Sourdough
  • 10g Wheat
  • 10g Water
I take it from the fridge day before I am going to bake and let it warm up for 8-10 hours. Then I feed it 1:3:3 with wheat or ryeflour. I use 27 ˚C water. In the morning it is ready for action.
120g What or rye 40g Sourdough 120g Water
When we are lazy I feed by taking a portion in a new jar 1: 1: 1 and I put it back in the fridge to rest.
10g Sourdough 10g Wheat 10g Water

Метод работы

I measured 27˚C clean water in a container. I added flours to the water. Mixed the flours and water into a loose broth. Cover the lid loosely and place the jar in warm. Feeding every day for 6 days. After that i put jar on frige and feeded once a week for three months. Then about once a mounth.
50g Wheat 60g Water 10g Rye


Rye bread

This rye bread takes me to childhood memories
Meiju Rye bread first overview

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