Whole Wheat Starter
2020 이후
family's favourite bread
Beautiful text and awesome taste!
맛과 풍미
시작하는 원료
- % • 800g flour (400 white bread & 400 whole wheat bread flour) • 10g salt • 460g water • 320g sour dough starter (aka levain)
4. Remove 2/3 cups starter from above mentioned bowl and place in new glass bowl and add 250g (1 ¾) cup flour and 250g (1 cup) water.
5. Mix together and cover lightly with saran
6. Repeat Steps 4 & 5
7. After 3 feedings of frozen starter, you should be ready to use in Sour Dough Recipes!
1. For best results use a kitchen scale.
2. Measure and add the following ingredients to a glass bowl:
• 800g flour
• 10g salt
• 460g water
• 320g Sour Dough Starter (aka Levain)
3. Mix in mixer using Flat Edge Beater until well mixed then switch to Dough Hook with
% • 800g flour (400 white bread & 400 whole wheat bread flour) • 10g salt • 460g water • 320g sour dough starter (aka levain)
4. When dough is ready, after 22 minutes, work it on a clean counter into one ball.
5. Place lightly floured dough ball in a lightly floured glass bowl and cover lightly with saran wrap.
6. Let rise for about 1.5 hours (until dough bounces back when pressed down lightly).
• I proof my bread on chairs placed four feet away from the fireplace with fan on.
7. Knead dough and divide into three heaps.
8. Rub dough on clean counter (toward you, away from you and side to side to make a perfect round loaf/bun).
9. Before placing dough in bowls, heavily flour and rub flour into linen or cotton tea towels/napkins.
• Be sure to flour lightly top of dough as well as be sure to rub flour into tea towel covering bowl.
10. Place two larger rounds in individual glass bowls.
• Also make 3 - 91 gram buns (with one recipe) and place in glass pie dish.
• Be sure to heavily flour and rub flour into a linen or cotton napkin before place in bowl
11. Set oven at 500 degrees an hour after beginning this proofing step.
12. Place pizza stone on rack just below where you will place bread
• Place cookie sheet on same rac
13. In middle rack, preheat crock pot insert including metal rack on bottom and black baking tray in crock pot (be sure to cover holes to avoid steam escaping)
• Also put a cookie sheet on middle rack for other loaf and buns
14. Let rise for about 1.5 hours.
15. Carefully take sharp knife and cut signature, while still in bowl,to allow bread to further rise;mark it with your personal touch
Ready to bake
1. Remove black baking tray from crock pot; quickly line with parchment paper and dust lightly with flour.
1. Gently take the larger loaf of dough from proofing glass bowl, reshape if needed with hands (tucking in edges) and place gently into baking tray prepared with parchment paper.
2. Return black tray into crock pot and cover with crock pot lid
2. Remove cookie sheet from middle rack, quickly line with parchment paper and dust lightly with flour.
a. Gently take the loaf left from the other proofing glass bowl, reshape if needed with hands (tucking in edges) and place gently onto cookie sheet prepared with parchment paper.
b. Cover with smallest of the four rimmed metal bowls.
1. Remove buns from glass pie plate and place on same cookie sheet as last loaf prepared. Cover with an oven proof bowl that sits flat on cookie sheet (whatever fits the three buns).
3. As soon as all sour dough is in oven, immediately poor a 1 warm cup of water in the cookie sheet sitting on the pizza stone and close oven door.
4. Reduce oven to 475 F and bake covered for 20 minutes.
5. At 20 minute mark
1. Remove the lids of the bread baking.
2. Remove the cookie sheet with water for steam.
3. Set timer for 20 minutes.
4. Check buns after 15 minutes to be sure they are not over done.
5. After 20 minutes, the last bread put into oven might need an additional 3-5 minutes.
6. Immediately transfer bread/buns to cooling rack.
7. Enjoy!!
Whole Wheat Sour Dough
Thank you!
Look forward to trying different sourdoughs!!