
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2012 이후

I really wanted to get the sort of porous, complex-tasting, artisan bread that's almost impossible to find in Canada. I found many German bread recipes calling for "anstellgut" (similar to sourdough) and decided to make a culture. It took a couple of failed attempts, but it was worth the effort!


Developed a warmer and more gentle flavour since I began feeding him wheat flour instead of rye. Pleasant, characteristic taste one associates with sourdough. Nice developed "cereal" taste that adds a dimension to otherwise white breads.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 50% Pumpernickel flour
  • 50% Water, distilled is preferable


Mix equal amounts of whole rye flour (pumpernickel) and water, then add a teaspoon of starter. Let ripen at room temperature for about 6 hours before refrigerating if I don't need it again soon. UPDATE: Recently I've began feeding him whole wheat flour (Bob's Red Mill brand) instead- the flavour has changed a bit, but now is more to my own liking!


I built my sourdough in a pumpernickel flour base.
50% Pumpernickel flour
I used an equal amount of distilled water.
50% Water, distilled is preferable
I transferred a teaspoon of the mixture, once bubbly, to another 50/50 mixture, and repeated this twice daily until the starter could grow into double its size in about 6 hours.

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library