
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
The Immortal

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2015 이후


This sourdough is very active, but lazy at the same time. It grows fast and constantly, but it does not grow enough, it does not make many bubbles and feels like tired :) But you can treat it very badly, forget it at room temperature for days or in the fridge too, and it will never die. It's The Immortal.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 50% W340 white flour
  • 50% Water


  • 33% Liquid sourdough
  • 33% Flour
  • 33% Water
Mix well 50g of liquid sourdough with 50g of tap water. Then add 50g of white wheat flour and mix all together until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream. Place in a glass jar and cover with plastic wrap pierced a couple of times with a needle to let some air inside.
33% Liquid sourdough 33% Flour 33% Water
Keep at room temperature or better at 28°C until it reaches the maximum expansion and starts to collapse. At that point you can use it for baking or for feeding once again.


I refresh the liquid levain twice or three times a day, keeping it at around 28°C if possible, or room temperature (21°C) if I need more time (eg. nightly rest)
50% W340 white flour 50% Water

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library