Catherine's Recovery Starter recipe

Catherine's Recovery Starter

North Kensington, United Kingdom


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Catherine's Recovery Starter

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2010 이후

My husband had a heart attack, and I needed to do something healthy and that kept my mind busy. I wasn't having any luck with ordinary yeast, so tried sourdough. Haven't looked back.


Quite mild and creamy, not too sour as I keep it mostly in the fridge. If I feel like a sour loaf, then I leave it out in the kitchen for longer, to develop a stronger flavour. More sour with rye, and more nutty with khorasan.

맛과 풍미

Catherine's Recovery Starter top shot
Catherine's Recovery Starter jar shot
Catherine's Recovery Starter front shot
Catherine's Recovery Starter rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 100g Flour
  • 100g Water
  • tbsp Organic raisins
  • 50g Flour
  • 50g Water


  • 100g Flour
  • 100g Water
Remove from fridge. Add water and flour (white, rye or khorasan). Leave to stand until active (approx 4 hours) then use for baking.
100g Flour 100g Water


Mix 100 gms flour (white, rye, or Khorasan) and 100gms water handful of organic raisins and leave overnight.
100g Flour 100g Water tbsp Organic raisins
Remove half (leaving raisins) and add 50gms flour, 50gms water. Leave overnight.
50g Flour 50g Water
Refresh each day for approx 7 days, until starter is bubbling and active. Then remove raisins and use for baking.


Sourdough loaf

Varied - often with rye, khorason, or spelt, sometimes with chia or linseeds. Pancakes & English muffins.
Catherine's Recovery Starter Sourdough loaf first overview
Catherine's Recovery Starter Sourdough loaf second overview
Catherine's Recovery Starter Sourdough loaf first slice
Catherine's Recovery Starter Sourdough loaf second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library
