Jojoba recipe


Mokelumne Hill, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2018

I had baked it years ago when my children were young. I got too busy with the children and the starter failed. My oldest daughter (28) took a class on sourdough. The decided to try again. I've cared for my starter since then. My husband and I are loving the fresh bread. No more store bread for us. We are very happy.


We are still learning. It will produce a delicious loaf of county loaf. It also makes great pizza dough.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 35g Starter
  • 150g Flour (50
  • 150g Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 150g Flour
  • 150g Water
  • 35g Starter
Feeding starter. Will increase the amount of starter to adjust for activeness to ensure it is mature in the morning when I need to start my bake.
150g Flour 150g Water 35g Starter

Metodo di lavorazione

The flour mix I use for the starter is a 50/50 mix of rye & white whole wheat. I am using Central Milling flours.
35g Starter 150g Flour (50 150g Water


County Loaf

Based on the Tartine Recipe

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