
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere

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seit 2017

A trip to Italy that got me started making focaccia and then I wanted to make better bread that was good for you. And I love the community of bakers.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Mainly a white starter that I received in 2017 from a bread making class. At the time it was 25 years old. I refresh it at least every 24 hours and most recently every 12 hours as I make sourdough daily. It reaches peak in about 5 hours, but is very useable up to 10 hours after feeding. Very lively without a lot of aroma due to its freshness.

Geschmack und Aroma

Shirley top shot
Shirley jar shot
Shirley front shot
Shirley rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

Zutaten für die Auffrischung




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