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seit 2012

I've always loved baking with yeast, and it seemed that baking with sourdough was the logical next step. Now I'm discovering that there is so much more to sourdough baking than just bread, and loving it!

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

honestly, Philomena is a bit sluggish and seems to need a rye flour boost every few months. As it's coming in to warmer weather here, I'm thinking of starting another one to see if it will be any faster.

Geschmack und Aroma


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 50% Bakers flour
  • 50% Water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

  • % Bakers flour
Remove and discard some of the starter if necessary, then feed with equal quantities of bakers flour and cooled, boiled water to make the total weight up to around 200g or 300g depending on what I'm planning to bake. Ferment at room temperature overnight
% Bakers flour


Philomena is a white starter that I grew in my kitchen in Adelaide, Australia 4 years ago. Just bakers flour and water
50% Bakers flour 50% Water


waffles, biscuits, tortillas, croissants, pancakes, cakes,

Just about every baked good that uses yeast or baking powder can be made with sourdough, & I've had a go at most !

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