
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2017 이후

To create my own bread. My identity.


Soft sourdough, a little acid, with touches of fruit.

맛과 풍미

Silenca top shot
Silenca jar shot
Silenca front shot
Silenca rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 500g Water
  • 25g Apple skin
  • 500g Water microorganisms
  • 500g Durum wheat.
  • 1000g Sourdoguh base
  • 500g Water
  • 500g Durum wheat
  • 1000g Sourdough base
  • 1000g Water
  • 1000g Durum wheat
  • 2000g Sourdough base
  • 2000g Water
  • 2000g Durum wheat
  • 3000g Sourdough base
  • 3000g Water
  • 3000g Durum wheat
  • 5000g Sourdough base
  • 10000g Water
  • 10000g Durum wheat


  • 5000g Sourdough
  • 15000g Water
  • 15000g Durum wheat
Mix all the ingredients and ferment during 5 to 8 hours at 28ºC. Put it during 6 hours on the fridge before use.
5000g Sourdough 15000g Water 15000g Durum wheat


Mix water with apple skin during 24 hours
500g Water 25g Apple skin
Mix water with apple skin microorganisms and durum wheat. Ferment during 24 hours at 30ºC.
500g Water microorganisms 500g Durum wheat.
Add durum wheat and water to sourdough base and mix. Ferment during 24hours at 30ºC.
1000g Sourdoguh base 500g Water 500g Durum wheat
Remove half of the sourdough base, add water and durum wheat. Ferment during 24 hours at 30ºC.
1000g Sourdough base 1000g Water 1000g Durum wheat
Remove part of the sourdough base, add water and durum wheat. Ferment during 24 hours at 30ºC.
2000g Sourdough base 2000g Water 2000g Durum wheat
Remove half of the sourdough base, add water and durum wheat. Ferment during 16 hours at 30ºC. Rest on the fridge at 10ºC.
3000g Sourdough base 3000g Water 3000g Durum wheat
Mix all the ingredients and ferment during 12 hours at 30ºC, rest on the fridge at 10ºC during a week.
5000g Sourdough base 10000g Water 10000g Durum wheat


Damm Bread

Bread mixed with Estrella Damm beer, fermented during 18 hours in the fridge.
Silenca Damm Bread first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


I want to bring with all of you my durum wheat sourdough. Try to make a beer bread, or some special bread to make your sandwich.