ryester recipe


San Francisco, Estados Unidos


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desde 2020

I like baking, and made bread with chemical yeast. My friends gifted me a set to bake bread, and it mentioned sourdough, and we were in the middle of the covid lockdown. I read online, in youtube, and books from my local public library. I studied engineering, and I love the art part of sourdough bread. I do not use proofers , prefer to experiment and enjoy the result if the baking.


Has a good sour taste, it ferments quickly even in the low temperatures in the San Francisco area. It has a nice sour aftertaste. The bread is soft and has a nice even consistency.



Ingredientes de partida

  • 25g Dark rye
  • 25g Water

ingredientes de alimentación

  • 20g Dark ray flour
  • 20g Water
When I bake. I take, for example, 40 gr out and I add 20 gr of dark rye flower and 20 gr water. Mix and store in the refrigerator.
20g Dark ray flour 20g Water

método de trabajo

Started 25 gr dark rye flour and 25 gr water, mixed, let it stay fir 24 hours on top of mu kitchen counter. Repeated same steps for 2 days, it started to ferment. Got my starter going.
25g Dark rye 25g Water

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